Friday, May 3, 2019

Molly in May

The lab results came in for Molly.  She has an aggressive form of lymphoma and it came back sooner than expected.  I was given three options:
1. Continue to treat her with a different set of chemicals which are very expensive in which case I can buy her an extra two months starting today.
2. Treat her with oral medication which is less expensive and still only buys her another couple of months also starting today.
3.  Do not treat her.  Take her to my regular vet and offer prednisone to keep her comfortable which buys us four to six weeks.
 If I do nothing she has two to four weeks.  I suppose that is option four.

I will go with option 3.  My reasons are my own and I don't need to discuss them now.  You have all been so supportive, generous and downright wonderful during this part of our eight year journey together.  I will always be deeply grateful. 
Throughout my long, happy life I have had many dogs and all were memorable for one reason or another.  But three will always be the most memorable and Molly is one of those three.  Unfortunately for me her stop is coming up sooner than expected.  I am going to continue to treasure each day and every moment  until our final goodbye. 

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