Growing Older

By Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin
 Public Domain

I don’t like fighting dragons alone.  They are noisy, unpredictable and sometimes dangerous.  A man who is loyal, steady and eager to defend a just cause would make the task much less painful.  (His ability to wield a broadsword would be a bonus.)  Alas, my journey, which I trust implicitly, has not seen fit, at this point in time, to provide me with a partner to stand along side me as I face the foe.

This particular dragon, we’ll call it Displacement, for lack of a better name, is extremely powerful, wealthy and rather cranky, having lost a battle lately with a dragon much larger and more powerful than it imagined possible.  Swatting me out of the way will be a minor distraction.  Unfortunately, while I may have Truth, Justice and Fair Play on my side, recent observations have led me to believe those weapons will have little influence on the outcome of this particular contest.

Life is all about choice.  Every day during our waking hours, we are making choices.  Little ones, (what should I wear? What should I eat? Should I go to work or stay home?)  and big ones, you know, the life changing decisions that you would like to avoid if at all possible, but sometimes they find you anyway.

My father always told me to get all the information I could find for the big decisions.  I will spend today getting the facts.  We square off Monday afternoon.

1 comment:

Robin L. McCarthy said...

I won that battle over a year and a half ago. I did not win because I was braver, stronger, or wore truth and justice as my armor, although I'm sure that helped somewhat. I won because a surprising number of people came to stand at my side - They told me later they were there mostly to hold me up when I fell. Whatever the reason their presence meant I walked away unscathed. I think the Mighty Dragon felt I wasn't worth the effort when there would be so many others to deal with once I was vanquished. It was a valuable lesson. Even the mightiest of foes will back down if the majority stand together.