Sunday, June 24, 2018

They Are Children!

From what I'm learning, we are pretty much stuck with Donald Trump for the duration. The laws are complicated and while he may be ignorant and incompetent, the Republican party, Trump's base, and foreign election interference will do everything possible to keep him in power.
This latest, horrific act of terrorizing children, leaving them traumatized for life, should have sparked outrage in every human being on the face of the earth unless they are without conscience or heart. Yet I've seen and heard reactions of satisfaction from his supporters. It's much like I imagine the reactions of the German people as Hitler marched the Jews off to "camps." My only hope is in the majority of my fellow citizens rising up in protest.
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor Isoroku Yamamoto said, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." Torturing hundreds of innocent children, refusing to reunify them with grieving parents is an act of such monumental cruelty the "sleeping giant" must awaken. I will be attending the national protest on June 30th. I want to be with those who are filled with a "terrible resolve." It's all we have left.

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