Saturday, May 26, 2018

I can't make leadership care about our ravaged home planet.
I can't make Donald Trump into an honest, caring and capable president.
I can't make corrupt politicians into honest leaders.
I can't make an avaricious, consumer-driven society into a generous, morality-driven community.
I can't make cruelty turn to kindness and compassion
I can't make evil turn to good.

I can take part in recycling, learn about green living and put it into practice while vowing to leave as small a footprint as possible on Mother Earth.
I can cast an educated, conscientious vote without prejudice or anger.
I can support and appreciate leaders who are doing their best to serve the people and protect the Constitution.
I can determine to live within and beneath my income, learn to budget and spend carefully and frugally.  There is pleasure in simplicity.
I can go out of my way and beyond my comfort zone to be kind to all those I meet even those who tell me they do not want or appreciate it.
I can turn from evil by vowing to do what I know is right whatever the cost.
I can follow my father's counsel: "Do the best you can with where you are and what you have then let the Universe take care of the rest." 

God is not a "he" or a "she".  God is everywhere and in everything.  God is the Universe.  It is a benevolent but instructive creator.   It is the divine and omnipotent Almighty. 

I am a child of the Universe, a daughter of the Almighty. Whatever happens, my soul will endure. 

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