Sunday, September 17, 2017

This I Know

This I know: 1. I know that integrity is a value that leads to few regrets. 2. I know that when I spend less money than I have coming in I will have the satisfaction of being able to pay my debts. 3. I know that the earth upon which I stand is hurting and that all of us have a responsibility and a duty to heal, adapt and acknowledge the great benefits we enjoy every day from Mother Earth and Father Sky. 4. I know that diversity in a nation is its greatest strength. 5. I know that I sleep better at night when the President of the United States is someone with enough character that I would be happy to invite him or her into my home and make the leader of my family. 6. I know that until this nation’s leadership works to heal the growing divide amongst our people, we will destroy our own future. We cannot stand divided. 7. I know that simplicity makes me happy and organization makes me feel more efficient. 8. I know that nurturing my fellow creatures, both four-footed and otherwise, is fulfilling to my spirit. 9. I know that love conquers all things including efforts to crush it with envy and hate. 10. I know that I am on my own lifetime journey and others will join me and leave me along the way and while it is sometimes a sorrow and sometimes a relief, I learn from each experience. 11. I know that my soul’s progress requires trust in my journey. 12. I know that the Universe has my back. 13. I know that kindness and compassion are virtues without which I cannot live. 14. I know that humor will see me through the toughest times. 15. I know that families come in different formations, colors, creeds, and sizes. They are each, above all else, family. 16. I know that teaching is a calling and learning is the reward for answering that call. 17. I know that it’s okay to march to the beat of a different drummer as long as you don’t deliberately step on anyone else’s toes. 18. I know that meditation feeds and nourishes my soul and that song and dance comforts and sustains my spirit. 19. I know that success in life is not based on how much you have but on how much you give. 20. I know that investing in my children - love, time, energy and financial help when I can - is an investment in the future – both in this lifetime and the next. 21. I know that money is nothing more than a tool. It’s how I wield the tool that creates happiness in my life and satisfaction in my accomplishments. 22. I know that enemies beyond our borders and within our borders seek to destroy this country and the principles and values upon which it was founded. Each generation faces those enemies and that will never change. 23. I know that we live more than one lifetime and that behind death’s door is a grand reunion 24. I know that as long as I stand firmly on the side of truth, honor, equality, justice, and freedom, others will disagree with my politics, but they will not deter me from my course. 25. I know that every man, woman, and child are equal to every other man, woman, and child on this planet and each is on his or her own journey. 26. I know that a young soul can succumb to the dark side of their nature. They stifle their light and find themselves on a path that leads to corruption, arrogance, and greed. They are learners struggling to manage their new soul’s incarnation on earth. 27. I know that an old soul, having experienced many lifetimes and much karma, spends eternity seeking the better nature of their soul’s journey. 28. I know that everything I say, do and think both good and bad, goes on my karmic record and impacts my experiences and relationships. Karma never sleeps. 29. I know that each journey begins with a purpose and ends when that purpose is completed. 30. I know that every soul is fashioned from stardust, nourished by love, and shaped by the experiences of many lifetimes. We are all children of the cosmos.

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